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Welcome to the 'Class 2' of 2021!!

Christian Value: Perseverance Bart Gee Visit Christian Value: Perseverance Bart Gee Visit

Bart was a real inspiration of positivity

At the beginning of Term 4, we invited Bart Gee to our school.  Bart was born with a rare physical disability called Arthrogryposis that means that he has weak muscles and stiff joints.  After Bart was born, doctors said he would never walk and may not ever have the strength to be able to sit up independently, and he would have a bleak outlook to life.

Bart shared his Christian faith with us in a whole school assembly and shared many of his amazing achievements. During our class workshop, we tried tasks as if we had his disability. This gave us a real understanding of what it is like to have a disability and it also made us realise we can overcome challenges when we face difficult situations.

Science Week


So proud of my little professors leading the Science Fair for Science Week.


The class enjoyed going back millions of years to discover the wonder of the dinosaurs.

The children took part in a workshop were they located and identified fossils from some of the most iconic dinosaurs of the past. Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and a few other surprises are all thrown in.


Traveller Education Service

This year the Traveller Education Service are linking Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month with the Wiltshire Year of Reading and Class 2 were lucky enough to be involved!


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Charity Work - Our Christian Values

To help spread some Christmas cheer Class 2 supported The Salvation Army’s 2021 Toy Appeal. Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for all your donations.

On the 4th February, our class took part in a mega maths fundraising day to support the NSPCC.

Everyone was excited to take part in Buddy’s key challenge. As a class, we were able to complete various maths related puzzles to find pieces of a key. The pieces were hidden in the classroom and just before home time we were able to fit them altogether to make the key!



This term in computing we are learning about the internet and websites. We have investigated how and what information is shared using the internet and investigated how web address indicate what the website might be about. 



In Term 2 we learnt about electricity. Everyone enjoyed the numerous lesson  constructing simple electrical circuits, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. 

science circuitIMG_1335(1)IMG_1336IMG_1337


We had great fun exploring new songs when we have a visitor in our school. He played the guitar and was really good.



In Term 1 we learnt about People of God . Our key question was - What is it like to follow God?


In Term 3 we made a visit to the church with Rev. Rachma. We looked at Baptism in detail, representing a new start in life. This helped us deepen our understanding of  the Trinity. 


Science Travels-STEM outreach project

Class 2 were very fortunate to take part in a STEM outreach project. The project was called Science Travels, it was set in the fairground and  involved the class participating  in physiological investigations co-designed with undergraduate life science students at the Universities of Glasgow.


The school were presented with a gift from Glasgow University for taking part in the

STEM Outreach Project, Science Travels. 




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