We are very fortunate to have large grounds to support with outdoor learning. At the bottom of the field is our main designated forest school area. Mrs Whetham has received Forest School training and, on one afternoon each week, she works with groups of children.
Forest School is where children are given hands-on learning experiences in the woodland area and school grounds. It enables the children to discover new things and take risks.Teamwork skills are developed through games and activities. There are opportunities to develop individual skills and self-esteem through activities such as shelter building, tool skills, lighting fires and environmental art.
Milestones Project
Some Year 6 pupils worked with Dean Sherwin (from the Witlshire Wildlife Trust) on an outdoor learning project. This was a new and exciting project which was funded by the Lottery.
Bug hunting and building worm houses for the worms.
Making 'pooters'
This week we made special bug collecting pots called 'pooters'. These pots allow you to have a really close look at all the creepy crawls that you find.
Here are some of ours:
Making clay insects
We also made some great insects out of clay and things that we found on the forest floor.
Drinking hot chocolate
After all that hard work, we sat down to have some lovely hot chocolate.
Apple Fritters
At the end of our time down in forest school, we made some lovely apple fritters.
Den Building
After building home's for all the little creatures in the forest, this week we decided to build one for ourselves.