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Well done to everyone who took part in supporting the two Year 8 pupils from Malmesbury School with their Science Fair Project. The Year 8 Malmesbury pupils were investigating to see if short amounts of exercise improve the children's mental health. 

🤩They won. 🤩The entries were judged by the mayor, employees from Renishaw and REME, governors and senior leaders at the school.

HIP HIP HOORAY Class 2 are back in SCHOOL

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all our wonderful mums

We have made it to the Easter holidays!

As we come to the end of a very eventful term, we would like to express a huge gratitude to our parents and children.

We wish you all a peace filled Easter with those that you love. Enjoy the eggs and our Easter assembly contribution!

Have a lovely Easter break.



Class 2 - 2020 -2021

Parent Powerpoint and Leaflet

Welcome to a new school year!! Come and have a look at what class 2 have been up to. 


Congratulations to all the children who received Golden Certificates in Term 2

Insert content here


Merry Christmas From Class 2

Class 2 have been busy preparing for Christmas. We hope you like all the festive crafts we have made.

Forces and Magnets

The children have had lots of fun developing their scientific enquiry skills. They have been making observations, predictions and conclusions

Parent Information

Class 2 Celebrated Harvest

 Many of us donated food for those in need.


Harvest time is a time for feasting and we were fortunate enough to  enjoy the plum jam Rev. Rachma provided.

It's a time to celebrate and give thanks,  so we wrote Harvest acrostic poems.

It is also a time for honouring those who grow and reap crops which we heard about in our assemblies.


Internet Safety Day

This year we celebrated internet safety day across the village from our homes and school. The internet has helped us to stay connected during these times but we have been learning how to do it safely. As a school we watch the BBC live lesson and part took in a Kahoot quiz. In class 2 we also made posters to remind ourselves about the acronym SMART. Here they are.....


We also got a couple of shout outs from the BBC live lesson

live lesson capture
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Portia Spiders

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We worked really hard learning about non -chronological reports and created out own about the Portia spider. We made sure that we included ENP's and compound and complex sentences. Enjoy reading!!!

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