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Governing Body

Co- chairs – Chris Woodhouse and Andy White

Finance Staffing and Premises Chair – Chris Woodhouse

Curriculum and Standards Chair – Rosie Law


Safeguarding governor – Chris Woodhouse

Looked after children – Chris Woodhouse

Disadvantage learners – Hannah Livermore

SEN- Hannah Livermore

Whistle blowing –Rev Rachma

Collective worship and SIAM (Foundation Governors) – Rosie Law and Rev Racham

PE & sport – Rosie Law

Policy – Chris Woodhouse

Website – Chris Woodhouse 

Reading – Rosie Law

Writing – Hannah Livermore

 Subject Leadership – Linda Reason


Meet the governor

Click on the link below to find out some more information about members of our governing body.

Meet the Governor.docx

We are aware that some people are unable to see the below document on their browser.  If this is the case please click on the documents at the bottom of the page, where you will be able to access this information.

When a place for a parent governor becomes available then the relevant paperwork is circulated to parents. If the number exceeds the number of positions available then a vote is undertaken. This process is overseen by the clerk to governors. 

Parents or other portential new governoirs may intially wish to arrange a meeting with the headteacher and the chair of governors to find out about the role and to see if their skills set would support in moving the school forward. 

New governors are required to complete the Governor appication form where thy outline the skills and experience they would bring to the Board of Governors. They are also required to sign to say they have read the list of disqualifications and that they are eligible to be a governor. 

New governors are then invited to attend a meeting and formally appointed at a Full Governing Body meeting. 


Governors Areas of Responsibility

Governing Body

Co- chairs – Chris Woodhouse and Andy White

Finance Staffing and Premises Chair – Chris Woodhouse

Curriculum and Standards Chair – Rosie Law


Safeguarding governor – Chris Woodhouse

Looked after children – Chris Woodhouse

Disadvantage learners – Hannah Livermore

SEN- Hannah Livermore

Whistle blowing –Rev Rachma

Collective worship and SIAM (Foundation Governors) – Rosie Law and Rev Racham

PE & sport – Rosie Law

Policy – Chris Woodhouse

Website – Chris Woodhouse 

Reading – Rosie Law

Writing – Hannah Livermore

 Subject Leadership – Linda Reason


Meet the governor

Click on the link below to find out some more information about members of our governing body.

Meet the Governor.docx

We are aware that some people are unable to see the below document on their browser.  If this is the case please click on the documents at the bottom of the page, where you will be able to access this information.

When a place for a parent governor becomes available then the relevant paperwork is circulated to parents. If the number exceeds the number of positions available then a vote is undertaken. This process is overseen by the clerk to governors. 

Parents or other portential new governoirs may intially wish to arrange a meeting with the headteacher and the chair of governors to find out about the role and to see if their skills set would support in moving the school forward. 

New governors are required to complete the Governor appication form where thy outline the skills and experience they would bring to the Board of Governors. They are also required to sign to say they have read the list of disqualifications and that they are eligible to be a governor. 

New governors are then invited to attend a meeting and formally appointed at a Full Governing Body meeting. 


Governors Areas of Responsibility

Governing Body

Co- chairs – Chris Woodhouse and Andy White

Finance Staffing and Premises Chair – Chris Woodhouse

Curriculum and Standards Chair – Rosie Law


Safeguarding governor – Chris Woodhouse

Looked after children – Chris Woodhouse

Disadvantage learners – Hannah Livermore

SEN- Hannah Livermore

Whistle blowing –Rev Rachma

Collective worship and SIAM (Foundation Governors) – Rosie Law and Rev Racham

PE & sport – Rosie Law

Policy – Chris Woodhouse

Website – Chris Woodhouse 

Reading – Rosie Law

Writing – Hannah Livermore

 Subject Leadership – Linda Reason


Meet the governor

Click on the link below to find out some more information about members of our governing body.

Meet the Governor.docx

We are aware that some people are unable to see the below document on their browser.  If this is the case please click on the documents at the bottom of the page, where you will be able to access this information.

When a place for a parent governor becomes available then the relevant paperwork is circulated to parents. If the number exceeds the number of positions available then a vote is undertaken. This process is overseen by the clerk to governors. 

Parents or other portential new governoirs may intially wish to arrange a meeting with the headteacher and the chair of governors to find out about the role and to see if their skills set would support in moving the school forward. 

New governors are required to complete the Governor appication form where thy outline the skills and experience they would bring to the Board of Governors. They are also required to sign to say they have read the list of disqualifications and that they are eligible to be a governor. 

New governors are then invited to attend a meeting and formally appointed at a Full Governing Body meeting. 


Governors Areas of Responsibility

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