SEN Information
School Special Needs Co-ordiantor (SENCO) - Mrs Mandy Cook
At Broad Town, we provide additional support for children who need some help with learning, behaviour or dealing with their emotions. This support is targeted for a set amount of time and its impact is assessed at the end of the course to see what further steps need to be taken.
Our children and staff are supported by three experienced teaching assistants and we also have support from outside agencies.
We have provided a wide range of interventions for our children.
Our teaching assistants provide:
Back On Track – maths support intervention
Numbers Count – maths support intervention
Precision teaching – phonics and reading support / number bonds and timetable support
NELI early language programme
101 Ways – social skill support
Transition to secondary school support
Targeted reading support
Targeted writing support
Gardening and cooking – social skills support
Delivering support for children’s IEPs (individual education plans)
Emotional support through art
Letters and sounds - KS1 phonics support
And much, much more!
Outside agencies provide:
SSENS – providing staff with strategies to support specific needs eg autism
Behaviour Support Service – provides children and staff with strategies to use in and out of school
Speech and language support
Counsellor – providing children with support with emotional difficulties
Equine Assisted Learning - providing children with support with emotional difficulties
Across the school, we use a range of dyslexia friendly strategies.
The school has continued to work closely with many outside agencies to support specific children.