Our School Uniform
School Uniform
Grey skirt or grey trousers
Green and white checked dress (optional in summer)
Green cardigan
Green Sweatshirt (logo sweatshirts can be purchased from the school office)
White polo shirt
Black shoes
For health and safety reasons jewellery is not permitted with the exception of inexpensive watches, stud or sleeper earrings. Fitbits or smart watches are not allowed in school.
PE kits
Navy blue or black shorts
White t-shirt (logo t-shirts can be purchased from the school office)
Plimsolls/daps – for indoor activities (Pull on type for infants)
Trainers – for outside activities
When it is cold, pair of jogging bottoms and a jumper preferably in navy or black.
Other items
Book Bag with the school logo (this can be purcahsed from the school office)
Logo uniform can be ordered and purchased from the school office. Parents may however decide to buy non logo uniform in the school colours from other places eg supermarkets.
We often have un-named school uniform in the lost property container in the school office. If your child has lost anything then check with the class teacher in the first instance and then with the school office.
This uniform is often in very good condition and we would prefer it to go to a good home if unclaimed. To help with keeping the cost of uniform down, you are welecome to check if there is any unclaimed or donated uniform that you could have for your children.