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99 Club and Rainbow Club Awards


'99 Clubs' are made up of a series of 9 graded timed tests, to encourage pupils to practise their mental maths skills.
Pupils need to answer mental maths questions, in a given time, in order to earn our fabulous badges designed by the children themselves. 

The children have the opportunity to practice their number bonds and multiplication tables knowledge throughout the week in school. Children are encouraged to learn inverse facts alongside recall of multiplication tables facts. 

There are some pratise sheets available below for you to download in order for your child to practise their club badge at home. 

Once the children have achieved their Platinum award they move onto the 'Rainbow Club' awards which are a progressively challenging set of mental maths questions. There are 12 tests for each Rainbow colour to succeed in before the award is achieved. The children start with 'Red' and follow through the colours of the rainbow finishing on 'Violet' . The children have 1 minute and 30 seconds to complete the test. Once all 12 tests have been achieved the colour trophy is awarded in celebration assembly.  The questions range from quickfire calculations using the 4 number operations to using useful maths facts such as the number of ml in three quarters of a litre, for example. 

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