More-able Pupils
We understand that all children, including the more-able pupils, require support and challenge in their learning in order to progress and reach their full potential. At Broad Town School, we use the term 'more able' to refer to pupils who demonstrate or have the potential to work at a standard well above their peers; this means they are exceeding the National Curriculum expectations for their age. This may be in one or more areas of learning.
Provision for more-able pupils
At Broad Town Primary School we aim to ensure that all pupils are extended and stretched to reach their full potential. We are confident in the ability of all our teachers to have high expectations for pupils and provide a range of differentiated provision in class that offers appropriate challenges.
We strongly believe that engaging teaching and learning for all is the key to securing achievement for every child. Higher attaining pupils will be predominately supported by their class teachers and given activities that allow them to gain further ‘mastery’ of their learning by applying it in different ways. Through creative curriculum activities, more-able pupils are given a wide variety of exciting challenges and experiences, developing the ability to question, explain, persevere, communicate their thoughts and take risks in their learning whilst building relationships.
We support our more-able pupils by giving them opportunities for open-ended tasks, higher order thinking challenges and extension activities. In class, children work in a range of ways; ability groups, mixed ability, paired work and independent work. We use a variety of teaching styles and a range of higher level questions to stimulate critical thinking.
We endeavour to meet the needs of higher ability children through monitoring strategies and by providing access to a curriculum which will not only support their academic progress but also the development of the whole child socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
More able children may support in the learning of other children by becoming 'Maths Mates' or 'Reading Buddies'. At times, more-able children may work with older children than themselves.
We offer opportunities for children to take part in enrichment activities such as science workshops, sporting competitions and festivals. These help children to develop confidence and leadership skills. Pupils may also be invited to attend curriculum enrichment events at local secondary schools.
Children may also have additional sports coaching by PE specialist teachers, individual music tuition from Music teachers. They may also have additional art or drawing activities where their work is given an audience.
What Can I Do For My Child At Home?
There are many ways that parents can support their more able childen. Below are just a few ideas that you may like to try.
- Encourage them to take up a hobby.
- Encourage independent research (use local libraries or the internet)
- Encourage them to read national newspapers or to watch the news on television or online.
- Talk to them about what they have learnt in school during the day and what has particularly interested them.
- Support homework activities by ensuring that the work is completed to a high standard.
- Help to develop team skills including co-opertion and leadership by encouraging your child to take part in team games and sports.
- Talk to them about Thinking Skills and encourage them to do lateral thinking puzzles etc
Visit the following websites for resources and ideas (National Association for Able Chidlren in Education) (National Association for Gifted Children)
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and Talented
At Broad Town School, gifted and talented is used to describe children who have a particular strength and are high achieving in subjects other than English and maths.