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Personal, Social, Health Education

The Jigsaw PSHE lessons aim to give children their entitlement to information about relationships, puberty and human reproduction, appropriate to their ages and stages of development. This work is treated in a matter-of-fact and sensitive manner and helps children to cope with change, including puberty, and to learn about healthy relationships

The expectations of the DfE Relationships and Health Education guidance are woven throughout Jigsaw but specifically covered in the Relationships and Healthy Me Puzzles (units), with puberty and human reproduction being taught in the Changing Me Puzzle.

In the summer term, parents will be sent additional information where we will further outline the areas that we plan to cover in the summer term in the units of Relationships and Changing Me.

Key benefits of Jigsaw is that it integrates the following key elements into the scheme:

safety and internet safety


Spiritual development 

eqaualtiy and preventing racism 

As a Church of England School we will use 'Jigsaw' to suport the Chruch of England Principles and the Charter in relation to Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). In addition to this we will ensure our teaching aligns with the the Progression Outcome Statements from the Diocese of Bristol 'Goodness and Mercy' programme.

Jigsaw PSHE Overview for each year group